Appsmakerstore WHITE LABEL
We believe that a mobile App for any organisation should be affordable and easy to manage, with no need to hire costly and time consuming IT developers. As most App functions needed by an organisation have already been created, so why spend money and time to create something that has already been built so many times?
The Appsmakerstore White Label Program allows you to offer Apps to your customers using the Appsmakerstore platform. The White Label is branded with your company logo.
We provide ready made, beautiful industry templates with all the functions you need. You can easily adjust content, add your branding and update the App whenever you want. It’s easy to do and has been designed for anyone to use.
We can build the App for you, the client can or do it yourself for them!
![WHITE LABEL PRIS](/images/main_v4/wl-welcome-next.png)
![White Label - Appsmakerstore](/images/main_v4/wl-welcome-device.png)
Hvorfor bruge White Label til at lave dine Branche Apps og hjemmesider?
Du sælger under eget navn, så ingen vil vide, at vi leverer din tjeneste.
Du kan bruge vores globale Apps Platform, som vi har udviklet over 4 år, og som har over 500.000 brugere. Du har ingen udviklingsomkostninger og kan sælge Apps nu!
Du får alle indtægter og betaler kun et mindre månedligt beløb til os.
Du behøver ikke bekymre dig om udvikling. Vi klarer det for dig!
Du kan starte salget i dag!
Hvordan virker det?
- Vi laver en hjemmeside for dig ved at bruge dit eget domæne og din egen branding.
- Sæt din egen pris; Alle penge du tjener på dine kunder, går direkte til dig!
- Du kan udvikle Apps til kunder ved at benytte det admin panel, vi giver til dig.
- 15 Apps included, then just fixed cost per App per month.
- Dine kunder og dig, kan opdatere indholdet i jeres Apps, så meget I ønsker.
- Vi giver dig et kontrolpanel, hvor du kan se alle dine brugere, logfiler og se betalingsoversigt.
- Ingen oprettelses gebyrer
- Vi plublicerer din første App GRATIS.
Customers reviews
![Sigurd J. Øglænd](/images/main_v4/wl-owners/sigurd.jpg)
Sigurd J. Øglænd
Apps are just genial and easy tools for a number of uses. One app serves as customer support tool for electronic devices, - and the users have everything they need. Another is used on a training course in negotiation on university level and substitute a lot of paper. Afterwards, the users always have their “negotiation handbook” with them. Other apps are used in service organizations keeping track on club members, programs and organizational stuff. One of the most valuated and appreciated features is that apps are automatically updated.
![Van D. Richardson](/images/main_v4/wl-owners/richardson.jpg)
Van D. Richardson
The new reseller interface allows me to showcase the ease of app development under my own brand. People like easy to use portals and the white label allows me to do it! is now on mark to expand its services by partnering with Appsmakerstore. Thanks!
Hvor langvarig er en Appsmakerstore White Label kontrakt?
For at gøre det nemt, tilbyder vi månedlige og årlige aftaler. Hvis du skriver dig op til en månedlig aftale, er kontrakten på en måned, og vi vil automatisk fakturere dig på månedlig basis. Hvis du skriver dig op til en årlig aftale, giver vi dig 2 MÅNEDER GRATIS og kontrakten er på et år. Du vil automatisk blive faktureret på årlig basis.
Hvordan afmelder jeg?
Der er ingen gebyrer på afmeldinger, og du kan når som helst afmelde din White Label. Månedlige aftaler vil ikke blive opkrævet den efterfølgende måned, og årlige aftaler vil ikke blive opkrævet det efterfølgende år. Vi håber, du ikke afmelder, og skulle du få brug for det, har vi support 24/7 til at hjælpe dig.
Har jeg brug for web-hosting udover min White Label konto?
Nej, Appsmakerstore udbyder en komplet hosting løsning til vores forhandler plan.
Kan Appsmakerstore lave mine Apps for mig?
Ja, vi giver dig også 50% RABAT på vores standard priser.
Will I get training on how to use the system?
Yes, we will never leave you alone. Full learning will be given on how to get started and maintain your customer base. You will also have your own KAM (Key account manager) that will follow you up personally.
Will I have access to all the functions that Appsmakerstore has?
Yes, you will have full access to all current and new ongoing functions that is added to our platform.
Do I need to give access to my customers to edit their mobile Apps?
No, that's really up to you. Some like to keep that function hidden from their clients and instead do it for them/charge for it.
How can I access my clients?
In the white label program you will have your own super admin. Here you can read full log over your client's activity and impersonate account where you easily can do changes for them instead of asking for their passwords etc.
How will the payments from my clients work?
If you run your white label also on the internet like we do, the payments will go directly to your merchant account. We support several payment options like Paypal, Stripe etc.. But you will need to have a seller account there to have the new payment profiles and payments going to you. You are also free to set your own pricing, but you can't set lower than Appsmakerstore.
Others with either current or consultant based relationship with their clients prefer to invoice their clients or take payments directly from them. For us either don't matter as this is really up to you.
Can I add new languages if you don't support mine already?
Yes, we can give you full translation for any new languages added. In fact we will give you 2 months free if you translate to a new language and give you an extra 2 per year if you also keep it up to date for us.
What about marketing and training?
Your key account manager will keep you up to date with the latest at all time. Ask if there is specific areas that you focus to go over case studies.
Will customers now that it's Appsmakerstore powering my White label?
No, it will be fully in your name all the way.